Wednesday 1 June 2011

Robin: Ted, the future is scary. But you can't just run back to the past because it's familiar. Yes, it's tempting... Barney: But it's a mistake. - how i met your mother

i love this quote from Robin, because its very true...the future of technology no matter how fascinating, is kind of scary! yes ok so one day i hope to drive in a hover car
and be able to teleport from one place to another, but just thinking about it is scary!

just where will technology take us in the future? today I'm going to give my view and the ideas of others on the future of a few different devices...

The iphone....
well, if we now have a computer in the palm of our hands, whats the next step?
well lets look at our pets micro chip, we have a little computer stored in our animals! a few weeks back i lost my dog, after searching for hours and placing many 'lost dog' signs around my area, within 24hours i had a call from the yarra rangers referring me to the local pound where they had scanned the microchip, received our details, contacted yarra ranges, they notified us and out little puppy was safe and sound.
now image some sort of chip placed inside us as a phone...

...say something like this inserted in our hands...

...think about it??.....

what about the future of screens (i must admit this one is more likely...
imagine that!!! a screen that widens, a mirror computer!! AMAZING!

BUT what i most want to one day see is the invention and use of hovering cars (that hopefully run on water or air so its not so expensive!!) or is it already done??

no seriously can someone tell me if this is real or not...
or this??
you never know...maybe we are closer than it seems!!! especially by the look of these cars!!!
so really, i don't know if there is anything in the future that could happen that someone hasn't thought of, and what once seemed so unrealistic is now...maybe...just around the corner!!! scary or exciting??

Barney: I got so fat, at the end of the day you'd unhook my bra. Robin: You were the only boyfriend I ever motor boated. - how i met your mother.

how unhappy do we have to get with our lives that we give up? what is it about another world, to be whoever we want that excites us so much?? I'm asking because today I'm going to talk about second life.

for those of you who don't know what that is, its basically a new way to chat online through a personally created avatar and travel through different places talking to other people like this...

but the bit that makes me laugh is the words 'and place to be different, to be yourself'?? how is being different being yourself? and just how unhappy with your life do you have to get to start this virtual one?
people have gotten so in to this game they have forgotten their real lives, starting up virtual businesses, relationships and families in this 'fake' world.

this American couple actually met on secondlife, fell in love on secondlife, got married on secondlife and then also got married in 'real life' as well...

second life ends couples first marriage

although this real marriage did end in divorce after she found him 'cheating' on her with his virtual avatar in second life!

but there is also the excitement of travel, you can go anywhere in the world just by sitting on your lounge! now although i find this kind of stupid, i can understand for those who cant get away, who don't have disposable income to travel around the world, but from personal experience of second life, its nothing like the real thing...
...yes that right, you heard me, i started up a second life, but let me just say it was from curiosity (and i didn't like it at all) although whilst playing it in one of my classes, it was amusing going up to random people and dancing on them, exploring scary dungeons and all round scaring my teacher that i will be mentally hurt if i get bashed in the virtual game, its defiantly fun for a giggle :) (sorry Cathy) but i don't think i could get addicted and forget about my actual life!

don't people have friends or family in their real life that they are leaving behind? or is that why they are starting the game? but isn't it a game? well apparently its not to them, its their life....

this is what i don't understand, ok yes i have had my short obsession with creating my life on The Sims - a virtual PlayStation game that allows you to create characters and play as if you were them, but the point of it is that its just a game, and your playing the characters, there is no online resource allowing others to join, its literally you playing by yourself (may i add this obsession only lasted a week whilst a short stint of unemployment). so where do you draw the line? when do we have to realise that there is no way to forget our real life and replace it with a virtual one?

Monday 30 May 2011

Barney: Ted, tonight we're gonna go out. We're gonna meet some ladies, it's gonna be *legendary*. Phone-five! [slaps cell-phone] Barney: You didn't phone-five, did you? [pause] Barney: I know when you don't phone-five Ted.

what is a mobile phone??

here not only is it a calling phone but a hand of the friend to high five with...when i was little, i thought it was a texting/talking device, and when i first got one in year 7, that is exactly what it was, although i was lucky enough to get the nokia 3315 that had a game called snake as well... is a little snippet of how excited one person got over the game...

this was possibly the most exciting distraction in highschool that you could get on a mobile phone, all my friends and i would have compititions to see who could get the highest score and apart from snake, all this phone was good for was ringing my mum to come and get me from school or a friends house!!!

but since technology has come so far, does the mobile phone still exsist? i dont have an iphone but even my phone/computer/office/internet/gaming device does more than a mobile phone ever could. yes, i still do text and call of it but i also set my daily alam, use a calculator, access facebook, check the news, whether and sport, play games and put my day to day activities in the calander all on my it it really still a mobile phone?? and the iphone does even more than that!! take a look at these for example...

so is it a mobile phone?? look at where technology has brought us! the iphone has so many different apps that we no longer need a laptop (the once portable computer) as it is all in the palm of our hands, a small computer with a built in phone...yeh that sounds better!! although i do have a laptop that i use all the time (i am even writing this blog on it) but even my computer cant do some of the things an iphone the iphone is some sort of technological device witha built in computer and phone...yeh?? no?? im not even sure...

all i know is that its amazing, my boyfriend has an iphone and while im stuck at his house whilst he watches the footy/rugby/golf or any other sort of sport on tv, i can keep myself amused for hours with the many apps and the internet sites i can access, i can track where his friends are if i need to get out of the house and visit someone or just casually make a few calls for a chat! but there are also many downfalls of the iphone, the main is how unsocial it is...
...we sit at the dinner table with our phones, we play on them all day, we play games on them with the person right next to us, but when are we talking to each other, when are we in the backyard with family? its all about the social networks and the ease of using them!!! its too easy these days having the technology in the palm of our hands!!

but i love my "mobile phone" anyway :)

Sunday 29 May 2011

Its going to be Legend.....wait for it.....dairy - Barney - how i met your mother.

i love facebook, and i can defiantly say that i am an addict, in fact probably while i am writing this i have stopped to check in on multiple occasions :S but for me it is a place of friends and its pretty hard to write the wrong thing (common sense does help with this!). but it is well known that celebrities of many varieties that have slipped up by writing the wrong things on their social networking sites like facebook to twitter, and some of these celebrities include politicians!

so today i am going to devote this blog to the stupid things American politicians have written on facebook, and the repercussions of these 'status updates' thanks to a facebook group 'politicions say really stupid things...'

now, i am first going to start with the simple (and harmless) quotes written on facebook that have not affected their career but more made them look like complete fools...

Dan Quayle was the 44th vice president of the United States between 1989 and 1993 and when starting up facebook recently stated "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."???? WHAT THA!!!!????

"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country."
Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC - that's re-assuring :S ha ha ha ha

"I do not belong to any organised political party: I'm a democrat."
Will Rogers.

and then there are these...the ones that would have had major impact on their career (and remember these people are leaders of our world)

"I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law."
David Dinkins, New York City Mayor.- on accusations that he failed to pay his taxes.

and finally

"Anybody who enjoys being in the House of Commons probably needs psychiatric help."
Ken Livingstone an English politician.

but in all honesty, for the young adults who are voting for the future, facebook seems young and hip, and by these politicians using facebook, it shows initiative and a common interest between the voter and the votee.
not only is it a great way to express their policy views but offers the impression of direct contact with the lawmakers. it also gives us the opportunity to express our political views and talk about elections while in the election time.
but some think facebook is for relaxing and friend time, they don't want to have to think about politics when on facebook...

so with this information it is hard to tell if using a social website is a good or bad thing for politicians...
...what do you think?

club hopeless...

Produsage, the new way in which we can express our inner movie maker with the influence of movies that are already made. Whether it be a remake of something already done, or an extension, produsage a great way for fans to contribute to their favourite movies!
I think it is such a great idea, and although I personally have never done anything to contribute to the produsage world, i see no harm in you or me expressing our ideas!

As shown in How i met your mother, they have used this method from the ‘who’s on first’ routine made famous by Abbott and Costello.

This clip makes me laugh so much, it’s very clever, especially with the reference to the original ‘who’s on first?’ And although this is not the first re-make of this scene, it is done very well.

but produsage is based more on the underdog, these re-makes are done by the 'average joe... are some examples...
 This is a remake of Pink's Song 13 Year Old Self


The shower scene from Psycho

and possibly the best/funniest remakes i found on youtube were from Ke$ha's song Tik Tok...

oh how these made me giggle so much!!!

but there are some people out there that have great concerns with the use of produsage...some believe it to be copy writing and others see it as a waist of time and pointless, but whats wrong with it? just writing this blog and youtubing clips gave me a good hour of laughter (i suggest you all youtube justin beiber remakes).
what is it too us what others do with their free time, and as my dad has always said 'if you love something, do it!' so although in my free time im watching the Bing Bang theory or how i met your mother, others who know the shows so well are rewriting or continuing on the script! 

for example, in one episode barney realises he likes robin so he is trying to get her attention, where as this script by modernxxmyth where as this time around its robin's turn to win barney over!! its a great script and has probably been made by someone in the world! a great way for the consumer to become the producer - the whole point of produsage!!!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Marshall: You got nothing on me. Barney: The calzone? Marshall: Checkmate. – How I met your mother.

Secrets, it’s something we all have, and for good reasons! Between secrets from that party last weekend, to our private bank details, we keep some of our information to ourselves...other just don’t need to know.
But in every group, from school friendship gangs to business life, there is always that one person, that one whistleblower who finds out and tells everyone your secret, leaving you embarrassed and betrayed!

For the American public this whistleblower is Julian Assange, after opening the online site wikileaks, and as most you will probably know this sight has released some of the biggest American military and business secrets that have ever been unfolded to the public unknowingly.

Although I understand that the American public should be aware of these secrets as they may have major impact on their lives, I also think even stronger that some sectrets are meant to be kept a secret; otherwise they wouldn’t have been in the first place.

Now there are a few reasons why I think this:
1)    1) Secrets are created to protect people (even if negative) and releasing them can halma lot of people.
2)    2) Some people use information for bad, releasing these secrets could let people use them for negative outcomes.

 3) sometimes secrets can be past on to so many people that the 'whistleblower' gets it wrong (a chinese whispers effect)

But as far as Julian Assange is concerned nothing should be kept a secret, everything should be open to the public...but how long until his secrets start appearing on copycat sites? What would he do if his secrets were revealed because a person like him is sure to have secrets!

well i dont really have that much more to say! but what do you think? are secrets created for a reason? and should Julian Assange really be releasing these major American secrets in to the public?

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Lily: We hate Ted now. Get on board or the sexting stops! Marshall: Ted's a son of a bitch! - how i met your mother

Sometimes I really don’t understand extremists. I get having a strong view on something but some people take these opinions to great extremes!

There are many things I don’t like in this world like animal cruelty, child abuse, the illegalisation of gay marriage and many other things, and I suppose without extremists there would be a lot more of these happening all around the world.

But what will people do to stop these?

Like Lilly from How I met your mother, we see her use blackmail to get her own way...
But what do other groups do to get attention??

Groups such as 'Earth First!‘Believe the earth must come first and that anything should be done to protect mother earth. Most well known for allegedly placing a bomb in activist Judi Bari's car that detonated in the UK in 1990, injuring her and her and activist Darryl Cheney.

Now this is something I don’t understand, we are all part of mother earth and hurting us would be hurting Mother Nature...wouldn’t it?

But this is what it's all about right? Being EXTREME!!!! We want people to agree with us and notice what we want!

being a major animal lover, I hate seeing the horrid things people do to different animals all over the world, and so do the Animal Liberation Front ( one of the most active extreme animal rights movements) have been responsible for hundreds of 'direct actions' to rescue animals from places of abuse. these extreme happening have been going on since the early 70's and have included firebombing a vivisection research centre in England and between then and 1993 reported more than 313 incidents of break-ins, vandalism, arson and thefts committed in the name of animal rights!

Even as a hater of animal cruelty, there must be better ways of dealing with these situations?
Wouldnt a lot of animals and people be hurt or killed in the process of these 'rescues'?

no matter what beliefs we have or how much we believe something is wrong, i can never understand how hurting others can make that right!!! your views but do it safely! :)

Sunday 10 April 2011

Barney: (to Ted) "Look at you, ya beautiful bastard! You suited up! This is totally going in my blog!" - How i met your mother.

Twitter as a free online social network can introduce many different people to the Twittersphere, including the one and only Barney Stinson who is included in the group that likes to 'like totally tell everyone what they are doing like all the time', and by some are known as Twidiots. On the other hand twitter is full of people who use the site as a great tool for an information source. People can write about anything including live updates of natural disasters, football information or Goss on their favourite celebs and so much more. 

Its seems that the site is used as a diary type blog that is quickly spiralling out of control. Appearing that people need to read or inform everyone on what they are doing, every second.  Twidiots (these people who tell us everything) are posting useless posts such asHad a ham and cheese sandwich at the ATL airport. Awesome stuff here…’ – now why would anyone want to know that?

like this song, through twitter I have read a whole persons day of tweets including: ‘just woke up, great sleep’, ‘about to have a nice shower’, ‘omg lunch tasted sooo good, I’m amazing at cooking 2 min noodles’ and ‘so hungry...mum where is dinner at?’.  Yes thanks everyone, I now know you live like a human, eat food and keep yourself clean!  - Awesome!!! i am clearly one of those people who dont understand this! yes, ok i am prone to the occassional update of something that i believe to be exciting in my life, this could be the excitement of a night out (unlcuding a lastest status about my night at usher) or asking a question to help me with study, but i dont understand why pelople need to tell us everything?!

On the other hand as far as an effective resource for live updates on media stories, twitter is a great way for everyday people to keep in touch with the major events live on their computer; this is because many people use twitter to inform others on a current situation live from the problem or issue. Over the last year this has been shown a lot in natural disasters all over the world. People stuck in floods anywhere from Brisbane to Japan have let family and friends know over twitter that they are safe; also allowing others to know what is going on and where to go to get away from these problems, a great way to use the site.

so its very understandable why people would want to use twitter to read or inform others on major events, but what is the sudden obsession with knowing everything about peoples lives? 10 years ago no one would have called someone to tell them they are having a shower, and if they did, they would probebly get hung up on, so what makes us what to read or write to others that? and because of this, is twitter really being used to its full potential? or just for useless babble?