Wednesday 27 April 2011

Lily: We hate Ted now. Get on board or the sexting stops! Marshall: Ted's a son of a bitch! - how i met your mother

Sometimes I really don’t understand extremists. I get having a strong view on something but some people take these opinions to great extremes!

There are many things I don’t like in this world like animal cruelty, child abuse, the illegalisation of gay marriage and many other things, and I suppose without extremists there would be a lot more of these happening all around the world.

But what will people do to stop these?

Like Lilly from How I met your mother, we see her use blackmail to get her own way...
But what do other groups do to get attention??

Groups such as 'Earth First!‘Believe the earth must come first and that anything should be done to protect mother earth. Most well known for allegedly placing a bomb in activist Judi Bari's car that detonated in the UK in 1990, injuring her and her and activist Darryl Cheney.

Now this is something I don’t understand, we are all part of mother earth and hurting us would be hurting Mother Nature...wouldn’t it?

But this is what it's all about right? Being EXTREME!!!! We want people to agree with us and notice what we want!

being a major animal lover, I hate seeing the horrid things people do to different animals all over the world, and so do the Animal Liberation Front ( one of the most active extreme animal rights movements) have been responsible for hundreds of 'direct actions' to rescue animals from places of abuse. these extreme happening have been going on since the early 70's and have included firebombing a vivisection research centre in England and between then and 1993 reported more than 313 incidents of break-ins, vandalism, arson and thefts committed in the name of animal rights!

Even as a hater of animal cruelty, there must be better ways of dealing with these situations?
Wouldnt a lot of animals and people be hurt or killed in the process of these 'rescues'?

no matter what beliefs we have or how much we believe something is wrong, i can never understand how hurting others can make that right!!! your views but do it safely! :)

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with your posts, everyone is entiltied and i think encorugaed by society to have an opinion...but their are other ways to do it then become extremist and activly promot (an undertake) violent acts towards certain memembers of society.

