Sunday 22 May 2011

Marshall: You got nothing on me. Barney: The calzone? Marshall: Checkmate. – How I met your mother.

Secrets, it’s something we all have, and for good reasons! Between secrets from that party last weekend, to our private bank details, we keep some of our information to ourselves...other just don’t need to know.
But in every group, from school friendship gangs to business life, there is always that one person, that one whistleblower who finds out and tells everyone your secret, leaving you embarrassed and betrayed!

For the American public this whistleblower is Julian Assange, after opening the online site wikileaks, and as most you will probably know this sight has released some of the biggest American military and business secrets that have ever been unfolded to the public unknowingly.

Although I understand that the American public should be aware of these secrets as they may have major impact on their lives, I also think even stronger that some sectrets are meant to be kept a secret; otherwise they wouldn’t have been in the first place.

Now there are a few reasons why I think this:
1)    1) Secrets are created to protect people (even if negative) and releasing them can halma lot of people.
2)    2) Some people use information for bad, releasing these secrets could let people use them for negative outcomes.

 3) sometimes secrets can be past on to so many people that the 'whistleblower' gets it wrong (a chinese whispers effect)

But as far as Julian Assange is concerned nothing should be kept a secret, everything should be open to the public...but how long until his secrets start appearing on copycat sites? What would he do if his secrets were revealed because a person like him is sure to have secrets!

well i dont really have that much more to say! but what do you think? are secrets created for a reason? and should Julian Assange really be releasing these major American secrets in to the public?

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